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EuARe: Moving Forward

Oct 30th, 2024

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EuARe, launched in 2016, has meanwhile firmly established itself when it comes to conferences dealing with the study on religion. For the Executive Committee members, this was the reason to take another close look at EuARe’s principles, as laid out in statutes and other documents, answering questions like: Are we doing the right things? Should we perhaps do things differently? Should we maybe do different things?


At the end of the meeting, and after in-depth discussions, the Executive Committee members agreed that EuARe is on the right path to realizing its mission and to becoming a stable and widely accepted academic organization, offering the major podium for academic research on religion and its relevance for society. Its core business is and will be the annual conference, as the key event for realizing its purposes. However, EuARe aims at constantly improving the quality of the conference. There, important insights were gathered, which can help in the organization of future conferences and in providing a meaningful experience to the many visitors from all over Europe and from different disciplines, encouraging an interdisciplinary discourse and debate. Finally, arrangements were made to improve communication at various points to reach adequately as many interested academics in the field of religion as possible.

EuARe 2023 Lectures

Oct 1st, 2024


#EuARe2023 Lectures - Religions from the inside are now published online.

#EuARe2025.  Call for proposals

August 6th, 2024


The Call for Proposals for #EuARe2025 is now open!

#EuARe2025 welcomes Panel and Author Meets Critique (AMC) proposals according to the rules and deadlines published in the Call for Proposals. Scholars, students, practitioners, and other interested parties are encouraged to participate in the conference by organizing and proposing panels and papers.


For more information on Proposal Submission, visit the dedicated page.

Registration and Membership applications open on November 4, 2024. 

#EuARe2025. Announcement

July 10th, 2024


It is with great pleasure that the European Academy of Religion announces its Eighth Annual Conference, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, on July 8-12, 2025. The hosting institution will be the Research Center "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (RaT) – a platform that brings together interdisciplinary research on religion at the University of Vienna.


As in previous years, the conference program will comprise working sessions including open panels, closed panels, book presentations (Author Meets Critique), and keynote lectures focusing on the overarching topic, Religion and Socio-Cultural Transformation: European Perspectives and Beyond.


The Call for Proposals will be announced soon.

More information about how to participate will be posted on the EuARe website and social media outlets, and sent to all newsletter subscribers.

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