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​Call for Applications - ITSERR Transnational Access Programme (TNA) 

July 10th, 2024



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ITSERR, the Italian project aimed at enhancing the RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure, just launched its funded Transnational Access Programme (TNA). 


This program, funded by NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR), offers support and expertise for research stays at leading Italian Universities and research centers holding relevant collections within libraries and archives for Religious Studies, together with outstanding IT laboratories for the increasing development of Digital Humanities.

The TNA allows scholars or teams researching on Religious Studies to spend approximately 1 week to 1 month at one of the ITSERR Italian nodes of the project and benefit from their facilities.


The call for proposals will be open between June 30th to August 19th.

For more information, visit

​News from the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics“ - University of Münster

July 3rd, 2024




"Ways of Belonging: Religion as Creed, as Practice … and as Identity“: Lecture at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" by Hans Blumenberg Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah


In his lecture US philosopher and Hans Blumenberg Professor for 2024 Kwame Anthony Appiah argued for a pluralistic understanding of religious identities. Appiah, who teaches at New York University, believes this is a way to resolve religious conflicts - without resorting to relativism.


Continuation of the “Journalism on Religion” training program at the Cluster of Excellence and the School of Journalism


The Cluster of Excellence and School of Journalism qualify media professionals to deal with religious issues – Themes such as antisemitism and racism, conflicts over religious practices, and new ideological movements – Positive feedback leads to continuation of only training programme of its kind in Germany.

VEREAD Infoday - July 11, 2024 04:00 PM (Rome CET)

July 1st, 2024



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VEREAD invites students, practitioners, and academic institutions to participate in the project's online presentation, an innovative initiative bridging European and African institutions through virtual dialogue and interactive exchanges.

VEREAD aims to engage European and African youth in transnational dialogues about religion, promoting mutual understanding across continents. 


Learn how interdisciplinary collaborations among international students is promoted and explore participation in the upcoming  Virtual Exchange Modules. Engage with participants from over eight countries, fostering cultural and academic exchange.


The event will take place on July 11, 2024, at 04:00 PM (Rome CET). To receive the presentation link, send an email to


For more information, visit


Call for papers - Scripture, Theology and Their Future

June 12th, 2024



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Since 2019, the panel "Scripture, Theology, and Their Future" has been active at the EuARe meetings, engaging with a wide range of topics touching on the relationship between Scripture and theology, including Scripture, theology and science (2021), the diversity of hermeneutical approaches (2022) and Just Peace (2023).


This year, the panel organizers of "Scripture, Theology, and Their Future", Jacob Astudillo, David Stuart, Nikolaos Asproulis, and Michael Borowski, are glad to announce the start of their fifth volume. The editorial team is Lluis Oviedo, David Stuart, and Michael Borowski. Contributions related to the themes of their latest Call for Papers are accepted.


For further information contact

Lund University - Joint Faculties of Humanity and Theology. Post-doctoral position open

March 20th, 2024




The postdoctoral position is connected to the project “Faith-Based Refugee Relief in Europe: Connecting the Empirical and the Ethical (FABRIC)”, funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant.


For further information on how to apply for the position, visit the Lund University website.



Call for Applications. RESILIENCE TNA Fellowships 2024-2025

March 15th, 2024



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RESILIENCE, the European cross-disciplinary research infrastructure serving the study of
religion, launches its third call for applications for
Transnational Access Fellowships.


Scholars and researchers from across Europe are invited to apply for a research fellowship and to visit the special collections, archives, and libraries of RESILIENCE's TNA hosts.


The call is open from March 15 to May 1, 2024. Scholars at all career levels can apply for a short research visit to the host of their choice and on the conditions of that host during the academic year 2024-2025.


Visit the RESILIENCE website to read the full announcement.



Call for Papers. 5th Annual IARS World Conference On Reconciliation

December 5, 2023




IARS invites submissions for the 2024 annual conference to be held in Assisi from June 30th to July 5th, with the theme of "Reconciliation and (Social) Justice."


The organizers encourage the submission of papers broadly concerning Reconciliation and Social Justice. Abstracts should be 500 words long, not including references, and be submitted by January 31, 2024. 


You will find more information regarding the rules on our social media (Twitter, Facebook) as well as the IARS website


Submit your abstract or contact Colleen O’Brien and Davide Tacchini with specific questions about abstract submission at the following address





Call for Applications. Feliciano Montero Award

July 14, 2023




To promote research in the scientific field of religious history, and in accordance with its statutes, the Spanish Association of Contemporary Religious History (AEHRC) announces the Second "Feliciano Montero" Award for the best thesis in the area of contemporary religious history.


The purpose of this Award is to publish new research on the study of religious history in its multiple contemporary dimensions, and ideally referring to the historical realities of contemporary Spain. However, AERCH is also open to other corners of the Hispanic world, or Transnational and Global perspectives.


The deadline for submitting originals ends on July 31, 2023.


You will find more information regarding the rules on our social media (Twitter, Facebook) as well as the AEHRC website


You can send your manuscripts to the secretary of the AEHRC, Joseba Louzao Villar





Fifth Interdisciplinary Student Conference for Religious Studies

July 12, 2023




The Student Representatives of the Department of Religious Studies of ELTE invite you to the Fifth Interdisciplinary Student Conference for Religious Studies, hosted by the Apor Vilmos Catholic College (Hungary), 10-11 November 2023.


The aim of the conference is to provide an academic forum for students and young researchers working in the field of religious studies and its auxiliary sciences, where they can present and discuss their current research topics and their initial results.


The organisers encourage all those interested to submit their presentations using the registration form below. The conference will be held in physical form only, and participation is free of charge.


The detailed conference program will be published after 30 September 2023.


Important dates:

  • Conference date: 10-11 November 2023.

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 31 August 2023

  • Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 September 2023.

  • Publication of the final program: 13 October 2023.


Please, complete the online registration form and attach your abstract (up to 500 words), complemented with 3-5 keywords in .docx format.


More information is available here.


If you have any questions or problems, contact the organisers at:




Religion and Identity. Call for Papers

June 30, 2023




The Central European Symposium for the Academic Study of Religion (CESAR) invites submissions for its upcoming conference, hosted by the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Szeged, Hungary, October 20-22, 2023Religion and Identity Intersections of collective and private identity with religion and spirituality.


The upcoming conference aims to open a symposium where topics concerning the intersections of religiosity and identity – whether private or public – can be discussed in a broader sense.


CESAR welcomes papers from PhD students and advanced MA and early career postgraduate researchers. The abstract should include the title of the contribution, the contributor’s name, and institutional affiliation, as well as an abstract of 300 words, 5-7 keywords, excluding any footnotes or bibliography.


Application deadline: July 10, 2023. Feedback on acceptance will be provided by July 15 via e-mail.


Facebook event for the conference:

If you have questions or request further information, contact the organisers at:





RESILIENCE TNA. Call for Applications

May 15, 2023




The European Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies, RESILIENCE, launches its second Call for Applications for Transnational Access Fellowships.


The Call will be open from May 15 to July 1, 2023. Users of the Transnational Access (TNA) fellowships will gain direct and effective physical and virtual access to the unique collections and expertise of leading research institutions and universities in Europe. In addition, a TNA stay guarantees faster access to resources, which means more effective use of research time. Each host institution offers a place to work and support in navigating physical and digital collections while providing locally tailored travel and accommodation tips and additional benefits for the TNA user unique to the institution. Crucially, the TNA user will enjoy expert guidance provided by senior scholars from the host
institution, incorporating valuable networking opportunities into the research visit.


More can be read in the attached press release, which is also accessible online.





Call for Papers. Religion In Movement

April 18, 2023




The Asociación Española de Historia Religiosa Contemporánea (AEHRC) is organizing its first international conference: Religion in Movement: New Perspectives in the Study of Religious History.


The conference will take place in Zaragoza (Spain) at Institución Fernando el Católico,
13-15 November 2023.


The conference will be divided into four different themes:

  • Femininities and masculinities

  • Identities in movement

  • Religions in conflict and dialogue

  • Material-immaterial religious cultures


Paper submissions are welcome up to 1 June.


All the information (including the call for papers) is available here.





Call for Papers. Conference on Stephen Báthory

March 21, 2023




REFORC, University of Eötvös Loránd (Budapest), Institute of European History (Mainz), Institute of Protestant Theology, Landau Campus, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu, Association of Transylvanian Studies (Sibiu) announce the third conference on Stephen Bathory: Stephen Báthory – Governance between Tendencies of Pluralization and Homogenization. The conference will take place in Sibiu, October 12-14, 2023.​


Stephen Bathory (1533-1586) is known in historiography as Prince of Transylvania, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. Until recently, his figure and actions were described separately in the Hungarian, Romanian, Polish and Lithuanian contexts, so that the impression could arise that Stephen Báthory, Bátory István and Stefan Batory were three different persons, who each conducted different policies in their domains.​


This third international conference will be devoted especially to his governance in the various political and religious contexts in Transylvania, Hungary and Poland-Lithuania.


The organisers welcome paper proposal until the 10th of April 2023.​


Please, visit the REFORC website for more information.





Call for Papers

January 16, 2023




From 7-10 June, KADOC-KU Leuven in Leuven (Belgium) will organize the conference 'Between Conflict and Accommodation? Christian-Democracy and the Rise of “new social movements” 1960s-1990s', an initiative of CIVITAS-Forum of Archives and Research on Christian-Democracy.


The aim of this conference is to analyze the relation, conflicts and exchanges, between Christian-democracy and the so-called “new social movements” from the 1960s until the early 1990s. It wants to adopt a reciprocal perspective, looking at the ways in which Christian-Democratic parties and related movements reacted in response to the emergence and development of these movements from the 1960s onwards, and, inversely, at the ways in which these “new social movements” were interconnected, in real and imagined terms, to Christian-Democracy. The geographical scope is not limited to Western Europe, but also includes other regions, most notably Latin America.


Interested scholars are invited to send a proposal of max. 500 words (including an abstract and title) before February 15, 2023.


Fulll information is available here.





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