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As approved by the General Assembly on June 21, 2017


The association "European Academy of Religion" (hereinafter "EuARe" or “the Association") is hereby established.



EuARe is based at Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose "Giovanni XXIII", Via San Vitale 114, 40125, Bologna.



EuARe is an independent, scientific and professional institution acting in accordance with the law and its statute, in order to create an open organization and platform, aimed at supporting and spreading study, research, communication, exchange and cooperation on religious issues relevant to academic reality and society as a whole.

It is a non-profit association. It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, any profit or surplus, as well as funds, reserves or equities during the life of the Association.

To pursue its purposes, the Association implements all activities and initiatives of a scientific, cultural, organizational and administrative nature, deemed useful for the achievement of the social purpose and in particular:

  • regularly organizes a congress and regional meetings on scientific and political issues concerning religions to encourage the contacts among members;

  • encourages collaborations for the development of academic research and training programs within and outside the European borders;

  • supports proposals on the use of research funds or structures, made by its members and by scholars at the beginning of their careers;

  • facilitates cooperation between its members and the European institutions;

  • promotes relations with non-European associations and institutions that share the same goals.

To pursue its objectives, EuARe can:

  • make contracts;

  • open and administer bank accounts and generally carry out transactions with banks, giving guarantees when needed;

  • encourage and accept donations, awards, legacies and grants;

  • employ personnel;

  • hire consultants or professionals;

  • implement any other operation functional to the achievement of its purpose.



The Association has an unlimited duration.



The common fund for carrying out the activity is initially made up of members contributions.
The common fund may be increased by membership fees, other contributions paid by private individuals, private and public organizations -including donations- to the Association, by the incomes of the Association's business and by surpluses.

It is for the Executive Committee to decide on possible Common Fund's investments.



The association's financial year begins on January 1 and closes on December 31 of each year.
Within six months from the end of the financial year, the Executive Committee shall draw up the annual income statement and submit it to the members for approval, following the procedures laid down in Article 9.



Members of the Association may be natural and legal persons as well as entities with or without legal personality, public and private, who share the basic inspirations that animate the Association and therefore who are involved in the study, in the critical analysis, scientific research or public understanding of religion and its interactions with society in Europe and in the countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Members who are not natural persons will have to appoint a representative with voting proxy. Membership is subject to the approval of EuARe Executive Committee.

Acceptance or refusal is based solely on the quality of academic or professional curriculum of the candidate and its consistency with the activities and the goals of EuARe.

The members can be elected and can vote for the appointment of the Executive Committee and the associative offices, and have the right to vote in the meetings in the form and manner provided by this statute.

Each member is required to pay an annual contribution at the time of admission determined by the Executive Committee, and thereafter each first day of the financial year.

The right to vote and to be elected to the social positions are suspended in the event of default, until the payment of the entire due amount.
Non-payment of annual contribution and arrears for three consecutive years automatically entail forfeiture from the Association.

All members must participate in social life and contribute to the activities of the Association, supporting its actions to guarantee the pursuit of social purposes.
The membership fee is not transferable even in the event of death, and cannot be revalued. Members have no rights to the Association’s properties, even when they are no longer part of the Association.

The Executive Committee shall decide on the exclusion of a member of EuARe by a majority of at least two-thirds of its members, with a reasoned resolution concerning the failure to fulfil the obligations of association or the failure to meet the requirements to be a member. The member may attend the Ordinary Assembly against the decision of the Executive Committee. The Ordinary Assembly may revoke the decision of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds majority of the members.



EuARe bodies are: The Members’Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the Vice- President and the President, and the Auditor.



The Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly of EuARe is made up of all the members of EuARe and is convened by e-mail by the President or the Vice-President, after a resolution of the Executive Committee. It may also be convened on the written request of at least one-tenth of the members. The date of the convocation is fixed at least 90 days in advance and communicated to the members.

The Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly can take place either in Italy or in other countries of the European Union.

The Ordinary Assembly must meet at least once a year within six months from the end of the financial year. It deliberates on the economic and financial statement for the financial year, on the appointment of the members of the Executive Committee, on the appointment of the Auditor, and any other matter submitted to it by the Executive Committee.

The Extraordinary Assembly deliberates on the modifications of the statute, on the dissolution of the Association, on the appointment of the liquidator and the transfer of the assets.

The Assembly’s Agenda needs to be sent to each member of EuARe at least 30 days before the date of convocation of the Assembly.

Proposals for points to be included in the Agenda of the Ordinary Assembly must be sent to the Executive Committee 60 days before the date of convocation of the Assembly, and the Executive Committee shall decide whether to submit them to the Assembly. Proposals to be included in the Agenda of an Extraordinary Assembly must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least 60 days before the date of convocation.

The Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly is validly constituted with the presence, on its own or by proxy, of at least half of the Members entitled to participate in it; on second call the resolutions will be valid regardless of the number of Members present.

Resolutions are always taken by an absolute majority of the votes of the members unless otherwise provided for in this statute. Decisions to amend the statute shall be taken by a favourable vote of at least two-thirds of the voters.
Higher majorities are still required by mandatory laws.

Participation in meetings is allowed also through remote communication that ensures real-time participation in the discussion and full information.

The Assembly shall be chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the Vice-President or, failing that, by the oldest member of the Executive Committee in office.

The Chairman of the Assembly appoints the Secretary of the Assembly, who, in the case of an Extraordinary Assembly, is a Notary.



The Association is administered by an Executive Committee, which consists of nine members.

The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected from among the natural persons members of EuARe by EuARe’s Ordinary Assembly. Applications must be submitted in the following manner:

  • At least 90 days before the EuARe's Assembly for the renewal of existing positions takes place, the President of the Executive Committee officially announces on the date of the elections by electronic communication to the members. Individuals interested in applying must send their application within thirty days from the communication, by e-mail addressed to the President of EuARe.

  • An alphabetical list of the candidates for the Executive Committee will be published on the EuARe website and sent by e-mail to the members of EuARe at least thirty days before the date of the ordinary Assembly during which the elections are held.

EuARe shall ensure, inside its own governing bodies, a fair representation of its cultural, scientific, professional, geographical and gender components.

The Executive Committee appoints the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer from among its members by absolute majority.

The President remains in office for a financial year and may be re-elected without limitation, while the other members of the Executive Committee shall remain in office for four financial years and may be re-elected only once.

The Executive Committee may confer any delegation of powers on the President or on the individual components of the Committee itself, within the limits identified by resolution.

The Committee is vested with the widest powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Association without exception whatsoever for the implementation of the purposes referred to in Article 3, for all financial and asset activities. The Executive Committee is convened by the President on his initiative or when requested to do so by at least two members with an indication of the proposed Agenda.

The convocation is made by a letter containing the agenda, sent, also by fax or e-mail, at least five days before the date of the meeting or, if the President deems it urgent, by telegram or fax sent at least one day before.

The Executive Committee is validly constituted with the presence of the majority of its members in office; resolutions, unless otherwise provided for in this Statute, are passed by a majority of those present; in the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.

The meetings shall be chaired by the President or, if absent, by the Vice-President or, if absent, by another member of the Committee appointed by those present.

The deliberations shall be recorded in the minutes signed by the Chairman of the meeting and the secretary. Resolutions are valid, even if not taken during the meeting if signed by all the members of the Committee in charge.



The President has the representation and signature of the Association before third parties and in court, with the right to also appoint attorneys and representatives for negotiations and disputes.

In the event of his/her absence, the Vice-President will act as an alternate.



The assembly appoints the Auditor choosing him/her from among those registered in the Register of Auditors established at the Ministry of Justice, as provided for in art. 2397 of the Italian Civil Code, or among those registered in the professional registers held by the orders identified by art. 1. of the Decree of the Minister of Justice 29 December 2004, n. 320.

The Auditor, who can access at any time the administrative records of the Association and check their regularity, also expresses an opinion on the financial statements before they are submitted to the Assembly and may attend the sessions of the Executive Committee.

The Auditor is appointed for three years and remains in office until the meeting for the approval of the economic and financial report for the third year of appointment, and may be re-elected.

The Assembly may also appoint, as Auditor, a Panel composed of two or three members.



In the event of dissolution of the association for any cause, the assembly shall appoint a liquidator and the assets of the association shall be donated, unless otherwise provided by law, to another association or foundation for similar purposes.



For matters not provided for herein, Articles 36 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code shall apply.





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